Thursday, August 7, 2008

What I Spend Money On

I was searching for a topic for my blog today when i stumbled upon this guy's blog. He had a list of 100 blog ideas so i thought i'd try this one.

What i spend my money on.....
During the summer i don't really spend a lot of my money. We all know those girls who go to the mall and buy out every store and come back with 10 bags of shoes, shirts, and those cute little earring that were on sale. But i really don't like spending money at the mall. I actually hate it. I always feel bad because i walk out of the mall with nothing...
During the school year however, i have a big problem. You see at our school we have a store called Lancer's Landing, and they sell all kinds of stuff, from binders and note cards, to coffee and muffins, they have it all. The problem is... they sell candy. And that's my sweet spot, literally. I can't help myself; i buy candy like crazy. My friends all know that if they come to me and ask, I've got something sweet in my purse to share. It's a big problem.
The funniest thing is, i gave up candy and chocolate for lent and during that 40 day period i had so much more money because i wasn't spending any of it!!!
So i need to cut down on my sugar spending if i want to pay for gas....
speaking of, i am definitely going to get my permit tomorrow! If i don't then you can shoot me... well don't do that. But i'm prepared and i have to get it before school starts (for drivrs ed... wooo)
So anyway. Until i start driving i probably will continue to spend money on stuff that rots my teeth.

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