Saturday, August 23, 2008
There are no small parts, just small actors...
Anyway, it was my second audition for a Lafayette Production and my sister's first. The procedure was: cold read three times. You can read either duet scenes or monologues. Jess and I read two scenes together and we both did a monologue separately.
It's been a while since i've acted, and i couldn't believe how much i missed it. I really enjoy being on a huge stage, lights blinding me and reading someone's words trying to stir up some crazy emotion.
well the auditions started at around 3:30pm and lasted till 5:30pm... the cast list was posted at 6pm. The auditions had been going on since Tuesday and i kind of feel bad for the drama teacher (Slav as we call her), but i guess that is her job.
So Jess and I had a baby siting job at six and couldn't stay to see the cast list. We were pretty upset and didn't want to wait the entire weekend to see it so we asked our friend to call us.
Later that night i received a phone call and was informed that me and Jess had made it! To the glorious parts of: townspeople....
I was just thrilled to make it, i mean you have to start somewhere! Jess is a little disappointed, but i told her there are no small parts, just small actors... she looked at me and said whats a small actor.... wow.
So rehearsal starts Tuesday. this Tuesday. Woo!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Vampirized Cats
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Host
If you don't know Stephanie Meyer is the fantastic woman who came up with the Twilight series. They are a humongous hit, and the Twilight movie is coming out in December. A funny tid bit about Twilight: So when i first read it there was no big hubbub on it. Nobody was asking me have you read Twilight yet? Nobody was fantasizing about Edward or pitying Bella. I swear me and my sister were the first major fans. One thing you can measure this by is i had to WAIT for each book. I finished twilight and was itching for New Moon, i finished New Moon and was screaming for Eclipse, when i found out Breaking Dawn was the last book i almost died waiting for that baby to come out. Once me and my sister read Twilight we were immediately in love. With Edward (the gorgeous vampire) with the plot, and with all the other characters as well. We talked it up, and the fire spread. everywhere..... Now its a big hit and everyone is like obsessed!
So anyway. Back to The Host. As i said before i was very surprised. I read this excepting a love romance, but thought the romance played a key role, the book was not focused around it as in Twilight. I was taken aback by how though out the plot was and how interesting the "sci-fi'ness" of it was. I mean who thinks up a world where there are more than 9 planets, and souls who have taken over every single one, including earth. Oh but they aren't here to destroy us, but to help us. They have no government, no police, no money.... its crazy. Yet there are the rebels (go humans!) which is where the story comes in.
I was surprised with the amount of information Meyer had created. Everything was in depth and ...well amazing!
I have to admit, it was a bit hard to read. So much information and not enough action. But the last 20 chapters or so were so intense and so amazing that the book is now my favorite (other than The Book Thief).
Read it!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
LOTR: Lady of the Rings
That's because if you know me, you know my rings. I wear four rings all the time, never take them off, ever. well..... here:
It began with the forging of the Great Rings.
One ring was given to the left ring finger immortal, wisest...fairest of all fingers:
My purity ring. Yay for Jesus, that's why i have it. Promise ring, whatever you call it. I wear it on my wedding finger and it's silver, my favorite. I've had it since July of 2007. I bought it at Steubenville(the church retreat i go on). I love it sooo much. It reads: True Love Waits.
One ring given to the right ring finger a great miner and craftsman of the mountain halls:
Well this is my class ring. I paid a lot of money for this pretty baby. I love it oh so very much. Before i had it i wore my mom's big chunky gold class ring, even though i hate gold with a passion. I just really love the old style rings. I think it's stupid when people buy super fancy pretty class rings that people can't even tell it's your class ring. Anyway. Mines silver (white lustrium actually) it's got a pretty light blue stone and it says Lafayette High School around it, 2010 on one side with a cross, and Taylor on the other side with strings. I've had it since around April of 2008.
And ring was gifted to the right pinkie finger who, above all else, desires power:
This little one was introduced just recently and it's sooo pretty. I already talked about it once on my other blog because i bought it in death valley. It's silver, of course, and made of little hearts connected together. It's so cute, but it's a little too big for me. I can't tell you how many times it's fallen off my finger and i've had a heart attack thinking i lost it.
For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each finger. But they were all of them deceived....for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the left middle finger forged in secret a Master Ring to control all others:
Haha yeah right.... Well this ring is just a baby, i've had it for about 4 days now. It's a little bubbly looking cross with a purple stone in the middle. I bought it at Family Christian on clearance for like 5 bucks. I really like it.
So. I am always on the look out for rings. I like 'em real simple, nothing too fancy. But i LOVE rings. its an obsession of mine just thought i'd share that since i've got nothing else really to talk about. and i just threw in Lord of the Rings references.
So if someone ever covers your eyes, just look at the fingers.... if there four rings, it's most likely me.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Insomniac...? Naw it's just some pent up energy!

At 3am i decided this wasn't working so i got out of bed and wandered downstairs. I watched the Olympics for a bit, and i got a kick out of it. Normally when you try to watch TV at 3 in the morning there's nothing on but paid programming and Murder She Wrote, so i was happy to be able to watch some soccer. Then i watched the Notebook, thinking i would doze off. no luck.
By the time i was finished it was time for me to eat and head off to work (yard work of course) So now its 10:35 and i am still not tired.
I was very confused because i normally would crash, but then i remembered. I had a monster last night at like 8. Oh no..... I will feel the crash later on.

Energy drinks just really keep me up. They are sooo bad for me and by posting this i'm sure mis padres are not going to be too happy. But this is my warning. Don't drink those darn enegry drinks if you want to actually get some shut eye.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Well, for me i believe it's a whole debate on nature vs. nurture. If you're taught it's wrong, you're not gunna pull a gun on someone because you've been playing Halo 3 for 2 days straight. I think its something psychologically deeper (being aggressive that is) but i do think that environment plays a key role in shaping an individual.
But that's not why I'm posting this.
I just wanted to share games i find interesting/fun/challenging.
The first one i want to mention is Fashion Solitaire. Me and my younger brother have been playing it for about 2 hours. Well I've been playing and he's been a tremendous helper...
It seemed stupid at first, but it makes your brain hurt by level 9..... The whole point is to dress models up but the clothing is all separated on cards. The cards only appear if you take the one on top off. Hence, Fashion Solitaire.

The next one is Patchworkz. This one has been my favorite for a long time. I'm sure my Aunt Patty would get kick out of it, because of the quilting background!! It is one of the most peaceful games, it really calms me down. Very monotonous not a lot of energy or attention involved, yet it still keeps your brain sharp.

Carrie the Caregiver is my all time favorite game because it's tough. It keeps your senses sharp and you have to be on top of it to get ahead. I love it. You have to take care of a nursery by feeding the babies, changing their diapers and all that fancy stuff.

As you can see i won't be expressing my aggressive attitudes any time soon. I really don't enjoy chopping off peoples heads in video games....
What are your favorite non-violent games?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
School's back.....
Here's what i have to look forward to:
Oh, i have good news (might be scary for some, including my parents). I have my permit! Yes. That's enough about that.
I had something else i wanted to talk about, but it has completely left my mind. Oh well.
Oh wait, i remember.
I saw the Mummy; Tomb of the Dragon Emperor last night. I have to say i was a bit disappointed. It looked good in the previews, but i didn't think the movie was all that good. I really hated the special effects, i thought it was all a bit cheesy.

Just thought I'd throw that in there.
All right off to bed for me, big day tomorrow.....
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My Christmas when i am 30 years old
Seated in my living room with my robe and fuzzy slippers I was snuggled down on the coach with a cup of cocoa and a good book. It was late, and I knew I should be getting to bed, but the book was good and the fire was warm. My eye lids drooped as I slowly fell into deep slumber. Then I woke up in a king sized bed with a man lying beside me. I nudged him and he woke up, still drowsy with sleep. “Get up, we’re going shopping” I said. It was the first weekend in December and I was determined to have all my Christmas shopping done before Christmas Eve. Shopping is my favorite part of the holiday; it really puts you in the giving mood. I had several trillion people to shop for; family, friends, coworkers, the mailman. My husband and I had vowed that we would make a list of things to buy, and get it all done this weekend. Knowing us and our lack of focus, it will not be accomplished. I slipped out of bed and threw on jeans, a sweatshirt and my good old tennis shoes. I needed to be comfortable so I didn’t care what I looked like.
I walked down the hallway into the small kitchen and put some toast in the toaster. The house smelled like Christmas, all the poinsettias, scented candles and pine needles filled the house with the most welcoming aroma. Decorations are another favorite part of the holiday. My mom taught me how to hang a stocking before I could walk, and how to make a Christmas tree look store bought before I could write the alphabet. My small house was decked out from head to toe with the Christmas necessities; little singing snowmen, wreaths, stockings, candles, and of course The Tree. My husband staggered into the kitchen and looked at me with a troubled expression. He didn’t want to shop; I guess it’s just not a “guy thing”. Before eight am we were in the car and headed to Target. First stop was to buy mom and dad a new camera, and of course we couldn’t forget the siblings. On the way back I blasted the radio with 102.5 Christmas music, signing off key the entire way home. My husband reluctantly joined me as we screamed the words to Jingle Bells.
Back at our house I decided it was time to bake cookies. I love to bake! Anything with chocolate and icing is perfect. I took out the cookie mixes and we went to work. By the time we finished, 3 hours later, I was sick from eating the cookie dough, and the kitchen was a mess. My hubby and I retreated into the living room and collapsed on the coach to watch my favorite Christmas movie of all time. How the Grinch Stole Christmas on abc was a family tradition. By the time Cindy Lou had finished her little solo song I was out like a light. Oh sweet sleep, my best friend. I woke up with a crick in my neck. The book on my chest fell onto the floor as I sat up rubbing my eyes. The fire had died down, but the embers were still glowing hot. I stood up, slightly confused, and went to build up the fire. I can build a pretty mean fire, if I do say so myself. In a few seconds I had the flames roaring back to life, and I went back to the couch and began to read. "What if it be a poison, which the friar subtly hath minister'd to have me dead, Lest in this marriage he should be dishonour'd…"
I woke up with a start in my king sized bed as the alarm beeped like crazy. I walked towards the alarm clock which read 5:15. Another day at work, I moaned. Work isn’t too bad though, the kids are great and I love acting like I’m still a teen in school. However, today was the last day before Christmas break and I knew these kids would be stoked. I looked out the window and realized it had snowed; oh more fun for the kids. I put on slacks and my winter sweater grabbed my bag, made a cup of tea, kissed my husband and got into my car. When I got back home I was excited, finals were over and all I had to do was grade some essays and I was done till next year. I called my husband and asked if he wanted to go call for Chinese, he hungrily agreed. I ordered half the things on the menu, and started packing for our trip down to St. Louis. My mom and dad invited us down there for the holiday, and I wouldn’t miss that for the world. The whole family was coming in town, and I knew mom, with her great cooking, would stuff us up with all the best food. My husband came home and we ate our yummy dinner.
The next day we got ready to leave. When the car was packed, and I had gotten my mp3 player fully charged we set off on the 5 hour drive to good old MO. Even though I hadn’t lived my entire live in MO, I had spent enough Christmas Holidays there that it felt like I’d lived there my entire life. On the drive down I remembered the Christmases when I was a kid. Lining up in a train, with me in the back (being oldest has its disadvantages), and running down stairs to see what Santa had left. We’d spend all day opening up the thousands of presents, but we never forgot to thank god for sending Jesus to us. That was one memory that never seemed to fade. My parents would wake us up in the morning and give us all “religious presents”. These were little reminders of what the day was really meant to celebrate. I fell asleep as we crossed the Mississippi, and woke up in my living room, the sun shining through the huge windows behind me. It was Christmas eve and I ran upstairs to wake up my sister. We then ran downstairs and got ready for our annual Christmas play. As I told her about the dream I had, we laughed at how silly it was. “Who was your husband??” she asked while giggling. “Who knows” I said, “but he was definitely a cutie!” Then she asked, “Do you think that's really what will happen.” I answered “If it does, I’m glad when I’m thirty I’ll still be having Christmas with our family”
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dora made me cry...

so just thought i'd let my peeps know just how much i miss them, i mean if you cry watching Dora.....
What I Spend Money On
What i spend my money on.....
During the summer i don't really spend a lot of my money. We all know those girls who go to the mall and buy out every store and come back with 10 bags of shoes, shirts, and those cute little earring that were on sale. But i really don't like spending money at the mall. I actually hate it. I always feel bad because i walk out of the mall with nothing...
During the school year however, i have a big problem. You see at our school we have a store called Lancer's Landing, and they sell all kinds of stuff, from binders and note cards, to coffee and muffins, they have it all. The problem is... they sell candy. And that's my sweet spot, literally. I can't help myself; i buy candy like crazy. My friends all know that if they come to me and ask, I've got something sweet in my purse to share. It's a big problem.
The funniest thing is, i gave up candy and chocolate for lent and during that 40 day period i had so much more money because i wasn't spending any of it!!!
So i need to cut down on my sugar spending if i want to pay for gas....
speaking of, i am definitely going to get my permit tomorrow! If i don't then you can shoot me... well don't do that. But i'm prepared and i have to get it before school starts (for drivrs ed... wooo)
So anyway. Until i start driving i probably will continue to spend money on stuff that rots my teeth.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What is the most exciting thing that ever happened to you?

I bet you're thinking, Ok sounds good, sign me up. Well, this was an amazing adventure and it all started with the HOBY award i mentioned in my other blog around... May 17th . I went to the HOBY MO and had an amazing... i mean OUTSTANDING time. I wanted more, so my mom worked her but off to get me signed up for the 2008 Hugh O'brien Youth Leadership World Leadership Congress (aka HOBY WLC).
Lets just say it was the most amazing experience of my life.