Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Senior Stuff!!!

Soooo many events for senior year!
This weekend the first big one, Mother Daughter Bunko!!!!
My mom and I will be fiercely competing, and winning the game this Saturday morning and we will leave our competitors in the dust.
I am super excited!
I love bunko! the last time i played i won $25 dollars!!!
The thing i find funny is one of the girls signing up was like "Oh bunco!!!! Great, my mom is SOOOO good at that game"


Obviously she doesn't understand the concept of sheer luck...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An elephant never........ what's that word??

Today in Psychology we started a chapter on Memory. Our teacher played a few games with us to test our short and long term memory ability. She had us recall the names of the 7 dwarfs and recall noun/adjective pairs from 20 sentences.

It was a really great class, and a fun lecture to learn.
What really scares me is my own memory.
I have baaaadddd problems with remembering things.
ask my parents how many times i have left something at home, forgotten to ask a teacher something, forgotten to call them when i've arrived at a place.
It's gotten to a point where i get mad at myself for forgetting things i know i should remember.
Even writing stuff on my hand doesn't guarantee that i will bring in a folder for orchestra, or 7 dollars for lunch on the shelf.

And wow do i HATE that i have a excuse.
One of the maaannnnyyy symptoms that comes with Fibromyalgia is memory loss. A battle i am not happy to fight.

In January of 2007 I got a severe concussion while playing indoor soccer. Ever since then I experienced back, shoulder and neck pain. I blamed it on the stress of finals as my freshman year of High School ended. But even after finals were over, and during our family trip to Disney, I still experienced muscle soreness. My mom took me to my doctor but she didn't think it was anything. I went to another doctor, and she diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I've been living with fibro for about 3 years now, I'm 17 and a senior in high school, and the chronic pain has not defeated me.

The memory loss is caused by chronic pain. Research shows that pain is connected to the brain's encoding of new information.
The lack of sleep that fibromyaglia effects the brains ability to remember things.

Long term memory isn't a problem,
  • difficulty remembering details
  • difficulty remembering new information
  • difficulty finding the right words to express yourself
those are things i've got to worry about.

Fibromyalgia causes a tremendous amount of suffering and there are really no good treatments for fibromyalgia right now,” says Dr. Mary Lynch, the director of research at the Pain Management Clinic at Dalhousie.

weird things i've noticed about living with Fibro:
when the weather changes, so does the pain.
not eating wheat helps with the stomach and head aches.
when I get a cold the pain increases.
for me, the pain is less in the morning

some facts
Roughly one-quarter of people with fibromyalgia are work-disabled
FDA approved the first drug for fibromyalgia in 2007 and more treatments are being developed!!

  • Muscular aching, throbbing, shooting, stabbing, or intense burning.
  • Extreme Fatigue Difficulty concentrating and retaining new information may seriously interfere with everyday mental tasks. referred to as "fibro fog"
  • Trouble falling asleep and more importantly staying asleep,
  • frequent abdominal pain
  • chronic headaches
  • jaw pain
  • depression and anxiety

Ok.... sorry for the pity pot. I'm not looking for pity. I am just writing for awareness. I know many people out there suffer from this and I would love to support them.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

An excerpt from Angels and Demons. One of my favorite books.
I think this is one of the best written speeches i've ever read, it is absolutely fantastic.

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca:
To the Illuminati, and to those of science, let me say this. You have won the war.
The wheels have been in motion for a long time. Your victory has been inevitable. Never before has it been as obvious as it is at this moment. Science is the new god.
Medicine, electronic communications, space travel, genetic manipulation… these are the miracles about which we now tell our children. These are the miracles we herald as proof that science will bring us the answers. The ancient stories of immaculate conceptions, burning bushes, and parting seas are no longer relevant. God has become obsolete. Science has won the battle. We concede.
But science’s victory has cost every one of us. And it has cost us deeply.
Science may have alleviated the miseries of disease and drudgery and provided an array of gadgetry for our entertainment and convenience, but is has left us in a world with out wonder. Our sunsets have been reduced to wavelengths and frequencies. The complexities of the universe have been shredded into mathematical equations. Even our self-worth as human beings has been destroyed. Science proclaims that Planet Earth and its inhabitants are a meaningless speck in the grand scheme. A cosmic accident. Even the technology that promises to unite us, divides us. Each of us is now electronically connected to the globe, and yet we feel utterly alone. We are bombarded with violence, division, fracture, and betrayal. Skepticism has become a virtue. Cynicism and demand for proof has become enlightened thought. Is it any wonder that humans now feel more depressed and defeated than they have at any point in human history? Does science hold anything sacred? Science looks for answers by probing our unborn fetuses. Science even presumes to rearrange our own DNA. It shatters God’s world into smaller and smaller pieces in quest of meaning… and all it finds is more questions.
The ancient war between science and religion as over. You have won. But you have not won fairly. You have not won by providing answers. You have won by so radically reorienting our society that the truths we once saw as signposts now seem inapplicable. Religion cannot keep up. Scientific growth is exponential. It feeds on itself like a virus. Every new breakthrough opens doors for new breakthroughs. Mankind took thousands of years to progress from the wheel to the car. Yet only decades from the car into space. Now we measure scientific progress in weeks. We are spinning out of control. The rift between us grows deeper and deeper, and as religion is left behind, people find themselves in a spiritual void. We cry out for meaning. And believe me, we do cry out. WE see UFOs, engage in channeling, spirit contact, out-of-body experiences, mindquests — all these eccentric ideas have a scientific veneer, but they are unashamedly irrational. They are the desperate cry of the modern soul, lonely and tormented, crippled by its own enlightenment and its inability to accept meaning in anything removed from technology.
Science, you say, will save us. Science, I say, has destroyed us. Since the days of Galileo, the church has tried to slow the relentless march of science, sometimes with misguided means, but always with benevolent intention. Even so, the temptations are too great for man to resist. I warn you, look around yourselves. The promises of science have not been kept. Promises of efficiency and simplicity have bred nothing but pollution and chaos. We are a fractured and frantic species… moving down a path of destruction.
Who is this God science? Who is the God who offers his people power but no moral framework to tell you how to use that power? What kind of God gives a child fire but does not warn the child of its dangers? The language of science comes with no signposts about good and bad. Science textbooks tell us how to create a nuclear reaction, and yet they contain no chapter asking us if it is a good or a bad idea.
To science, I say this. The church is tired. We are exhausted from trying to be you sign posts. Our resources are drying up from our campaign to be the voice of balance as you plow blindly on in your quest for smaller chips and larger profits. We ask not why you will not govern yourselves, but how can you? Your world moves so fast that if you stop even for an instant to consider the implications of your actions, someone more efficient will whip past you in a blur. So you move on. You proliferate weapons of mass destruction, but it is the Pope who travels the world beseeching leaders to use restraint. You clone living creatures, but it is the church reminding us to consider the moral implications of our actions. You encourage people to interact on phones, video screens, and computers, but it is the church who opens its doors and reminds us to commune in person as we were meant to do. You even murder unborn babies in the name of research that will save lives. Again, it is the church who points the fallacy of that reasoning.
And all the while, you proclaim the church is ignorant. But who is more ignorant? The man who cannot define lightning, or the man who does not respect its awesome power? This church is reaching out to you. Reaching out to everyone. And yet the more we reach, the more you push us away. Show me proof there is a God, you say. I say use your telescopes to look to the heavens, and tell me how there could not be a God! You ask what does God look like. I say, where does that question come from? The answers are one and the same. Do you not see God in you science? How can you miss Him! You proclaim that even the slightest change in the force of gravity or the weight of an atom would have rendered our universe a lifeless mist rather than our magnificent sea of heavenly bodies, and yet you fail to see God’s hand in this? Is it really so much easier to believe that we simply chose the right card from a deck of billions? Have we become so spiritually bankrupt that we would rather believe in mathematical impossibility than in a power greater than us?
Whether or not you believe in God, you must believe this. When we as a species abandon our trust in the power greater than us, we abandon our sense of accountability. Faith… all faiths… are admonitions that there is something we cannot understand, something to which we are accountable… With faith we are accountable to each other, to ourselves, and to a higher truth. Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed. If the outside world could see this church as I do… looking beyond the ritual of these walls… they would see a modern miracle… a brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls wanting only to be a voice of compassion in a world spinning out of control.
Are we obsolete? Are these men dinosaurs? Am I? Does the world really need a voice for the poor, the weak, the oppressed, the unborn child? Do we really need souls like these who, though imperfect, spend their lives imploring each of us to read the signposts of morality and not lose our way?
Tonight we are perched on a precipice. None of us can afford to be apathetic. Whether you see this evil as Satan, corruption, or immorality, the dark force is alive and growing every day. Do not ignore it. The force, though mighty, is not invincible. Goodness can prevail. Listen to your hearts. Listen to God. Together we can step back from this abyss.
Pray with me.

Monday, September 14, 2009

And the bug comes back.

The cold has come back in town,
but this time with a new twist.
The fear of the swine. (more appropriately known as the H1N1 flu)

I'm not so worried about it, although i've got a cold right now.
It's flu season people, THE FLU HAPPENS....
just wash your hands,
get some sleep,
and drink water.

Today i drank 6 water bottles in 7 hours. Mission accomplished.

I am going to beat this cold before it gets the better of me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11th Remembered Well At Lafayette

It was 8 years ago that we had the scare of our lives.
I can't even believe its been that long!
It seems like just yesterday i was in fourth grade, sitting in my classroom when the teachers turned on the television to hear the news that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.
Now, i don't remember very much because my parents made sure that all the newspapers and TV reports were hidden from us kids.
But now, September 11th is remembered in the most subtle, yet meaningful ways.
Yesterday at 7:50 outside on the football field, the ROTC, the principle Mr. Shaughnessy, a trumpet player from our band, and myself along with 100 or so other students and faculty held a commemorative ceremony dedicated to lives lost during 9/11. It was simple, yet as my principle and i said after, meaningful.

Then throughout the day, 4 bell were chimed followed by a requested moment of silence to signify the four plane crashes that day.

In orchestra we played a piece entitled Dedication. It was a sight-reading piece (meaning our first time as an orchestra reading through a piece of music with no pratice) But the seniors in the class have played it three times before. My orchestra director plays this every year with us as a memorial to the bravery of the firefighters and police who dedicated their lives to protecting our country.

Later that night we had our first home football game. While tailgating we saw a firetruck by the entrance of the field and an American Flag was raised above the gate. Then while walking in, all of the Superfans (a great club at LHS dedicated to cheering on our athletes) were given little american flags which were held, stuck in ponytails, head bands and proudly given to younger kids around the stadium.

Then, before the game, Mr. Shaughnessy gave a small speech and the choir proudly sung the national anthem.

Overall i am really proud to be an American and a Lafayette High School Student.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike

For the first time in the almost eight years we have lived in Missouri i have ventured out onto the well paved, beautifully landscaped bike trail.
Today my youth group was cancelled, it was a beautiful 76 degrees, and i had finished all my homework.
So Shelby and i packed our two bikes into my car.
Yes, two bikes into the tiny Chrysler. Despite my dads insistence that they wouldn't fit, they fit perfectly!
Anyway, we drove down to the high school and rode our bikes a little over 6 miles.
A nice quick ride. It was beautiful and quite enjoyable.
We had such a great time, and now we're super sore and ready for our next "adventure"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh and i almost forgot, school.

We went to orientation last monday and i finally got my schedule!!!!!!!

Study Hall
AP Psych
Finite Math
AP Spanish
AP Lang

Can't wait for senior year!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer Fun..... Part 2

Wow, my last post was at the beginning of summer. Now i have six more days until school!!!

So other fun stuff this summer.
The cruise with my moms side of the family. That was the best vacation i've ever been on. I miss the ship a lot, and my cousins even more!!

Visiting my dad's side of the family along with allll of our old friends.

Girls Night and Day Out with Aunt Patty. One of the funniest dinners of my entire life.

The fray concert with my second cousins. That was fantastic!!!

Rock the river. 8 or so christian bands played under the arch. Me and my two friends went from 2pm till 9pm..... it was a long hot day, but totally worth it.

Parties... yeah, had one here at the pool for OSEP (or oscar according to aunt patty) and went to a tye-dye one for my friends 18th.

Dive in's at the pool. Those were fun. we watched Push at one and Race to witch mountain at the other.

Demolition Ball with my church. We went around on these bumper car things and shot with these scoops at goals. it was intense!!!

saw Harry Potter 6, that was impressive, i really liked it but i didn't read the book sooo yeah.

Yeah, so it's been a jam-packed summer, and now i'm heading off for a final fun weekend with my girls. It's a float trip camp out starting friday lasting till sunday. And tuesday is back to school!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Fun

Wow.  I have done so much this summer that i'm exhausted!!
I work at my dads from 7:15am to 11:15am every weekday except wednesdays
and i babysit from 12pm to4pm mondays wednesdays and fridays.
AND i give piano lessons on wednesday mornings (sometimes),

Even with all that work, i still have found time to do a lot of stuff.
Ultimate tuesdays are a great weekly event.  We play in the dark, and we use different colored glow sticks for each team.  It's a lot of fun (even for people like me who can't throw a frisbee at all!!)  And it's free, which makes it all the better.

My mom and one of my good friends went to Shakespeare in the park in Forrest park st.louis. They performed The Merry Wives of Winsor. And it was fantastic!!! i thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely attend next summer and the summer after that, and the summer after that etc.  They based the play in the 1920's but used Shakespeare's original text. and this, was also free.

I've gone swimming a ton this summer, because hey i have a pool in my backyard!

Last night jess and mom and i attended The Muny to see 42'nd street, which was amazing, really makes me wanna learn how to tap dance.  This was not so free, but free for me because my dad bought the tickets for my mom's christmas present.

And this saturday some of my friends and i will be swing dancing! I am extremely excited for this, i've wanted to swing dance ever since i got back from FUS (they have swing dancing every sunday night) that's not free either, but it's only 8 bucks, for lessons and free dance time.

Then of course there's free concerts every thursday night at Bluebird Park. those are a ton of fun.

So i've had a pretty busy summer so far, and it's just getting started!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And the year comes to a close...

Junior Year is almost over, and i can't believe it.
The past month has been a whir of craziness, that i have forgotten to keep my reader updated on the on-goings of my life. (as if they really care to know)

Since my last post, lets see
track season came to close- which upsets me a lot because i miss running )plus i'm now not in shape... again)
I visited SLU - which i thoroughly enjoyed, and the visit did sway my opinion a bit. but i am still stuck on Franciscan University.
Saw Taylor Swift in concert, man can that girl put on a show! She was fantastic.
I went to prom - which was a blast.
And yeah delt with normal day-to-day stuff.

The seniors are done with school, as of tuesday.
That makes our high school empty and depressing, seeing as us underclassmen are forced to attend classes in which the teachers give us meaningless assignments to fill the time before finals, which will be a week from yesterday.

I can't believe it's almost summer.  I am so excited.
I am working three jobs this summer... wooooo!

The Cruise is soooo soon and i am pumped!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In the Big apple for four days of fun

My school orchestra left last thursday early (6am!!!) for NYC.  
It was an AMAZING 4 days of musical genius...... and shopping.
There were 47 of us, and a few chaperones thrown in the mix.
We had a great time hanging around the city, seeing Phantom of the Opera on broadway, visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, walking through central park, and having crazy pillow fights in the hotel rooms.
We had a fun time discovering the importance of keeping your purses zipped, and your wallets in the front pocket of your pants.  
We also discovered the tremendous amount of money needed to buy a simple hamburger.
We stayed up late, woke up early, and goofed around.
We found our favorite restaurant ( Astro's somewhere on 57th or 56th) where we ate like 3 times.
We took the subway, walked in the rain, and took a limo ride (just three of us did that) and performed a puppet show out the window of our 34th floor hotel room (it's illegal in NYC to perform a puppet show in the window, yeah we're rebels).
We celebrated Easter in St. Patricks Cathedral and planned an easter egg hunt in central park.

And why may you ask did we go for the fun four days to the city that never sleeps?
Our orchestra performed at Carnegie Hall along with 8 other orchestras and 9 other bands out of 200 that applied to play.
It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and brought tears to our directors eyes, not to mention my blubbering mother.

Now that it is all done and over, a few things came to mind as i got back to school:
we worked so hard for that, and now we're done.  We've performed at Carnegie Hall, an acoustically perfect stage.  

I also figured out that after spending 24 hours a day with these kids for 4 days straight it was very weird not to see them for a full 13-14 hours so seeing them at school was a relief!!

Anyway.  Overall it was a blast, and i miss the city already.  

Friday, February 27, 2009

Who says radio contests are just for the lucky??

This morning i won my first ever radio contest! Yay!
So i woke up at six to the sound of 89.9 WLCA Wake Up Call, my favorite morning show, other than with John and Snickers.  
This morning they were doing this thing where this guy would hit some other guy and the listeners would have to guess what he was hit with.  They gave clues, and the first one to call in with the right answer wins.
They did this several times throughout the morning.

SOooooo.. my calls went something like this:

Call Number One for 2 Blue October Tickets:
Guy: 89.9
Me: Is it corn flakes??
Guy: No, but your close
-hangs up-
Guy: 89.9
Me: how about oatmeal
Guy: nooo but your close, try again
-hangs up-
Guy: 89.9
Me: So its not corn flakes, and its not oatmeal.... what the heck is it???
Guy: Uh, we already got a winner
Me: Darn
-hangs up-

The answer for this one was cereal.... which upsets me greatly because i really wanted BO tickets and corn flakes are cereal.... 

Next Hitting Item Hint: "just imagine a kid eating a messy snack, singing i love little debbie"
Call Number Two for 2 Slightly Stoopid tickets:
Guy: 89.9
Me: Ho Ho's?
Guy: Nope, but you're really close
-hangs up-
Guy: 89.9
Me: What about zebra cakes, or devil squares or...
Guy: Nope, but you're still close... did you say Ding Dongs?
Me: Sure... Ho ho's and ding dongs are the same thing
Guy: no they are not!
Me: yeah they are, except ho ho's are better
Guy: they are not the same thing!
Guy #2: who even makes ho ho's
me: i don't know who makes them
Guy #3: Your mom makes ho ho's
me: all i know is ho ho's are better than ding dongs
Guy #1: no they're not
Guy#2 (or 3 it was very loud in the studio): Have you even tasted one?
Me: a ho ho or a ding dong?
Guy #2 (again, or 3): both
me: yes, they are the same thing!!
me: OK sorryyy.

That was my morning.  So i have two tickets to see Slightly Stoopid on Thursday, March 19, 2009 8:00PM at the Pageant!! WOO!

FYI: i've never heard of this band, but hey, i like all music (except rap) so i'm open to this new band.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Standing on a well-worn soap box

I was doing my Gov notes, when i came across the line "Nor can a State print or coin money or deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." under the heading Powers Denied to the States.

Now, coming at it from a strictly Pro-Life stance, i immediately looked up the original text.

The original text, in the United States Constitution states:

Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868.
nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law

Now, keeping that in mind lets talk about sex.....

Day 1:
The sperm fertilizes the egg. The sperm and egg each carries half of the normal amount of genetic material (DNA.) After fertilization, the egg now has a full set of genes that is unique.
-Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Is this egg a baby?
many say yes.
many say no.

still don't think it's going to become life?

Week 3:
The inner, outer, and middle layers of cells are destined to become different tissues in the developing fetus, such as skin and nerves, intestines, and muscle. The heart has begun to pump; the brain and spinal cord begin as a tube-like structure.
-Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Most pregnancies can be detected by ultrasound in typically 4-5 weeks.
So by the time a woman even realizes it is time to have an abortion the baby's heart is already beating.

Is this egg a baby?
many say yes.
many say no.

but NOBODY can deny that this egg will BECOME a baby. Nobody can deny the fact that if let growing for nine months this egg will become a human being.

Why would a woman get an abortion?
because she doesn't want a baby.
because the egg is going to become a baby.
by getting an abortion she is stopping the life from developing.

A short story if you will.

16 year old Mary Reeves is a junior at Dunvar High in Michigan. She is in the top 10% of her class. She is on Varsity soccer and starts every game. She is not only involved in community service, but in her school as well. She is Student Council President and well-loved by her friends.

But Mary Reeves does not exist.

Because her mother made a small mistake, and then decided to get an abortion.
Mary's mother was not ready to create a life.

Now, answer me honestly
Did Mary's mother deprive her of her life?
The answer is yes.
Mary's life was deprived.

I don't care if you are Pro-life or Pro-choice or pro-i don't care what's going on
the truth is that Mary was an egg with a full set of genes that was unique.
She was going to watch TV.
Se was going to swim.
She was going to go to the prom.
She was going to get married.
But now she can't.
Because her life has been stopped.

Now, going back to my earlier point.
The state CANNOT deprive a person of life...
They cannot deprive a person of life.

you agree that Mary's life was deprived.

So if the state or the nation creates a law stating that abortion is legal

and i now step off the soap box.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

The cold epidemic has hit my high school.
It's been wonderful.
But... i have a theory.
I believe i know how this horrible thing started.
You see, on the 26th of January it snowed. A lot. And even high school teenagers become like children when it snows. So we wished and prayed, and dreamed for a snow day, and what do you know..?
there had been enough oranges out in the yard that night!
So of course everyone goes and plays outside, myself included.
Although i must say sledding on a frozen lake was so fun, my immune system was definitely weakened.
Though i did not know it, nor did anyone else, but my body's defenses were slowly being destroyed.
Then the next day, a snow day, yet again.
So of course everyone goes and plays outside again, myself included.
Although i must say building a snowman on a frozen lake was so fun, my immune system was yet again weakened.
So when i and my fellow snow-mates got back to school that thursday, disaster struck.
Someone had a cold, and since our body's were no longer up for the challenge of beating down virus's, they surrendered our body to alien bacteria.
Now people are dropping like flies....
not really, but a bunch of people are sick.

Anyway,... so that is how the epic battle of student vs. virus began.
thank you very much.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dinner at my house... when my mother isn't home...

Dinner at my house... when my mother isn't home...
Heres what goes down:
"Ok kids, you kind of have to fend for yourselves for dinner, i gotta run to the school."
So... there is pizza for chris and i (wheat free of course!)
So jess and i unwrap these delicious looking thin crusted, lightly cheesed pieces of crud and put them on the counter... we take out extra mozzarella cheese in order to 'spruce it up a bit'
Jessica proceeds with eating the mozzarella off the top of the pizza while i clean the mess and shove a handful of mozzarella in my mouth.... i almost puke....
"does this taste bad to you," i ask and i look a jess who then screams at the volume of a fright train...
Now at this point in our story, we are both spitting mozzarella out of our mouths, while our pieces of crud are being melted with moldy cheese in the toasty oven.
"OH NO!!!"
we grab the pizza's out of the oven and dump the moldy cheese into the bin.
So then all is calm... but we both feel like throwing up, so we eat peanut butter.
Then we start talking for like 30 minutes....
I look up at the oven... "CRUD CHECK THE PIZZA"
we throw open the door, and..
two burnt pieces of crap... i mean... really burned.
Jessica runs to the intercom and screams down to christopher
so then chris and i try to eat the pizza (just the insides)....
shelby is meanwhile creating a little noodle bowl for herself, when she all of a sudden she screams
"NOOOOOO.... what happens when you don't put vegetable oil in the noodles"
i look over, she had managed to get all off the oil from the little pre-packaged pouch everywhere except her bowl..
So.. to make everyone feel better, we throw out the pizza, and get out the ice cream!!!
which now has melted everywhere, because i felt the need to type this..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Want help with college?? Sign up for Zinch!!!

Zinch is great!!!
Tell every high schooler you know to click on the link on my site, and i can win 500 dollars!!!!
Its a great way to get yourself out there to the college world.

"Zinch revolutionizes the current college recruitment process by allowing colleges to seek out and interact with high school students online, as a guest on the students' stage. The student's self-reported information being shared with colleges on Zinch is comprehensive--much more than a test score--and completely searchable. Zinch creates an environment in which in-depth student information can be made available to the colleges, thus enabling relevant college information to be made available to the student. Through Zinch, communication becomes more effective and interaction becomes more engaging on all ends."

you really can personalize your page to the dot. It is very specific, and very eye-opening for colleges. so help me, and yourself up by clicking on the picture on the left of the screen.