Monday, October 6, 2008

Just want to talk a little about Wiki's

I'm sure you've heard about Wikipedia before. It's super popular, but at my school in ALARP class we have been trained to automatically say "UNRELIABLE" at any mention of the cursed w-word. Why is it unreliable, well anyone can change it. I can get on right now and type up any bull i want and post it. Yes, there are monitors for that kind of thing, but still it makes me feel uneasy about using information of such a site. But i am not writing this to beat up on Wikipedia, however i am here to praise and glorify the wonderful Wiki. My AP Lit teacher just set one up for us recently. The wiki enables us students to work as a group and post answers to questions and pomp ts online. The you can go in edit and re-post. It is an easy and efficient way to collaborate without being face to face. I have a feeling that the wiki will become important, and i also believe that facebook will soon be creating applications in which you upload entire documents online. I also have a feeling that facebook will soon rule our lives, but that's just a side note.

Anyway, just wanted to get that little plug in there, but if you ever have the chance to use a wiki i highly encourage it, they are so useful! just beware of wiki-wars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Taylor! Mrs. Fredrickson doesn't trust Wiki. either! We weren't really allowed to use it in stretch!
