Sunday, January 10, 2010


My boyfriend asks me yesterday what i though of the Matt Holliday situation. We were discussing sports, haha.. that's a joke, I was basically saying that I like watching sports (because in all honesty I don't follow anything). Anyway, the way he asked me i knew i should know who Matt Holliday was, or for that matter what sport he even played.
Yes you might view me as pathetic for not keeping up with my city's pride and joy, The Cardinals, but frankly baseball bores the crud out of me.
So, when my boyfriend asked my opinion on the $113,580,723 salary bestowed upon aforementioned Holliday, I was all in all un-opinionated.
But upon further reading, yes i do read my news (occasionally), I am a bit surprised, if not utterly outraged, at these outrageous pre-determined earnings.

First of all, why the heck do Athletes need to be paid that much money?
The minimum salary for a Pro Baseball player is $400,000 per season.
That's at least 2,000 every game. Whether they play or not. And that's only the MINIMUM!
That's an insane amount of money. An insane amount.
I just don't see the need to pay people that much money to do something they love.
It's not dangerous. It's not a vital occupation necessary for our Nation's growth. It is simply providing entertainment. And they get paid more than most doctors and lawyers combined.

Second of all, and the actual issue in this situation, is the fact that Puljos is/was paid less than what Holliday is being promised. His contract is up, and will the Cardinals have enough money to re-sign him?? Or will they just remain complacent with the fact that they now have Holliday, and deal with the loss of a great ball player.

Should the cardinals focus more on keeping a player who has been with them for his entire major league career? or should they risk putting all their money on their team newbie.

I have to admit i don't know enough about sports to answer those questions.
But it seems like a delicate decision has been made, and St. Louis Cardinal Fans will be anticipating the '11 season when Puljo's contract is finally up.

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