Although I may be the best driver in the entire world, courteous, careful, watchful, and attentive,
there are some wackos out there in the world who really shouldn't be out on the streets at all.
People who stop in the middle of intersections.
Ok really??? You just can't wait. You know the light is going to change and their will be people blocked up because you had to be all about you.
People who don't use their blinkers.
Oh my goodness. The car manufactures made blinkers for a reason. And guess what, they made it seemingly effortless to switch the thing on. If you feel you're too cool to use a blinker your stupid. it's one easy way to save yourself from an accident.
People who text while driving
this needs no explanation.
People who talk on the phone while driving.
Although not as big of a deal as texting, if you are caught up in a conversation you're having, you attention is divided and parts of your limited brain that should be concentrated on driving are too busy discussing something that could easily be put off for a few minutes.
People who don't know the 'every-other-car rule'.
The biggest perpetrator of this is students in the high school parking lot after school. It drives me nuts that apparently high schoolers aren't "mature" enough to be courteous to other drivers.
People who don't turn off their highs.
Again, car manufactures made this little switch easy as pie. So just switch them off. Now i understand it's easy to forget they're on. But after people flashing you with their own highs, don't you figure that it'd be best for everyone to turn yours off.
People who brake before green lights.
These drivers are those who are way too careful.
And last, but not least:
People who steal your parking spot and or People who literally wait for people to get in their cars, start their cars, and back up their cars, to snag the 'perfect spot'.