So i woke up at six to the sound of 89.9 WLCA Wake Up Call, my favorite morning show, other than with John and Snickers.
This morning they were doing this thing where this guy would hit some other guy and the listeners would have to guess what he was hit with. They gave clues, and the first one to call in with the right answer wins.
They did this several times throughout the morning.
SOooooo.. my calls went something like this:
Call Number One for 2 Blue October Tickets:
Guy: 89.9
Me: Is it corn flakes??
Guy: No, but your close
-hangs up-
Guy: 89.9
Me: how about oatmeal
Guy: nooo but your close, try again
-hangs up-
Guy: 89.9
Me: So its not corn flakes, and its not oatmeal.... what the heck is it???
Guy: Uh, we already got a winner
Me: Darn
-hangs up-
The answer for this one was cereal.... which upsets me greatly because i really wanted BO tickets and corn flakes are cereal....
Next Hitting Item Hint: "just imagine a kid eating a messy snack, singing i love little debbie"
Call Number Two for 2 Slightly Stoopid tickets:
Guy: 89.9
Me: Ho Ho's?
Guy: Nope, but you're really close
-hangs up-
Guy: 89.9
Me: What about zebra cakes, or devil squares or...
Guy: Nope, but you're still close... did you say Ding Dongs?
Me: Sure... Ho ho's and ding dongs are the same thing
Guy: no they are not!
Me: yeah they are, except ho ho's are better
Guy: they are not the same thing!
Guy #2: who even makes ho ho's
me: i don't know who makes them
Guy #3: Your mom makes ho ho's
me: all i know is ho ho's are better than ding dongs
Guy #1: no they're not
Guy#2 (or 3 it was very loud in the studio): Have you even tasted one?
Me: a ho ho or a ding dong?
Guy #2 (again, or 3): both
me: yes, they are the same thing!!
me: OK sorryyy.
That was my morning. So i have two tickets to see Slightly Stoopid on Thursday, March 19, 2009 8:00PM at the Pageant!! WOO!
FYI: i've never heard of this band, but hey, i like all music (except rap) so i'm open to this new band.